Thursday, November 12, 2009

.: Cerita Malam Jumaat:.

Hmm..malam ni, aku lepak di tempat yang boleh surfing. Lama tak update blog, sebab tengah kemalasan. Dalam sejuk² selepas hujan turun, aku keluar rumah untuk hilangkan rasa bosan. Banyak betul nak pikir. Baru je tadi borak² ngan housemate psl umah. Entah, aku malas nak cakap per dah. Cuma masih bersabar dengan orang yg suka wat peel di rumah. Aku takut nanti bila aku dah betul² tak boleh sabar, habis budak tu aku kerjakan. Kesabaran aku masih berada di paras normal. Kalau temperature dah naik nanti, tak taula kan. Yelah, selama mana kita sebagai manusia ni boleh bersabar. Kebasaran pun ada had nya. Kalau dah asik wat perangai jer..sape bole tahan. Ye tak? Malam ni kena clear kan baju² yang dah cuci untuk dilipat. Lusa dah nak kena p Langkawi. Kalau tak clear baju² nanti, jawabnya menimbun la nk cuci. Kang aku jugak yang penat. Nak antar dobi, lagi la malasss....

Monday, November 02, 2009

.: Life :.

Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason. If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it. Nobody said it would be easy, they just promised that it would be worth it. Love and Happiness come hand in hand-one without the other just doesn't make sense. You'll never make it through life trying to make everyone happy. Sometimes you just have to do what's in your heart and not worry about the rest of the world, because they never worried about you. The outcome of pain is growth and you can only grow from what you learn. In life, Allah does not give you the people you want he, gives you the people you need; to teach you, to hurt you, to love you, to make you laugh. To make you exactly the person you should be.