Hey..please jot something what you like...or something you hate. Last night, I went to Subang Jaya alone. You know what I saw ? I saw a signboard with wording 'Masjid Abu Bakar As Siddiq'. Then I remember...this is the mosque that Yasmin Ahmad had her last Solat Jenazah. She passed away a week after arwah abah. What a shock, Yasmin Ahmad collapsed suddenly at Sri Pentas while she supposed present her proposal to Siti Nurhaliza. 2 days before Yasmin Ahmad passed away..I have contacted Kekure (my frenz name) which she's close to Yasmin Ahmad. This is our sms on that day.
Me : Salam, kekure. Kak Min camne ?
Kekure : Alhamdulillah. Dah lepas tempoh kritikal. Byk2 doa supaya dia cepat sedar. Esok pagi tunggu info dari parents Kak Min.
Me : Alhamdulillah. Pape hal bagitau tau.
Lega sangat on that time when Kekure replied the message.
Around 11.45 a.m, I got sms from Kekure.
Kekure : Kak Min dah takde. Esok kebumi di USJ 22.
What ??? Really shock. I'm at my hometown on that day. If I was in Putrajaya, I think I will give my last tribute to her. I send a sms to my friend which he also admired Yasmin Ahmad.
And a day after Yasmin Ahmad funeral, there's so many story about her. I don't want to argue or talk about her. But from what I know, she's really amazing person. She can talk to you over the phone, without knowing you and she's really friendly, caring and loving. Do you have that opporturnity? No, you don't. But I have...and I can even remember what she'd talking to me. And for that.. I thank her vey much. Al-fatihah.